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March 6th, 2011Blog, MoneyAdem 2 Comments

Money on my mind
Creative Commons License photo credit: jo.sau

It’s dream most of us probably have had from time to time and wouldn’t it be great if something you loved doing made you money in the process too?

Three of the most common ways of making money from blogging are:

  • Advertising (adsense, selling advert spots directly)
  • Affiliate schemes (writing articles about products and linking to them earning a percentage of sales)
  • Selling products (eBooks are pretty big right now, and perhaps you could write one and sell it?)

Of course these don’t work with any blog or website, the thing you need is visitors, and specifically visitors that are interested in what you have to say. Getting visitors relies on many factors, such as keywords, trends, content, backlinks, etc and even if you are an seo guru it still won’t guarantee the amount of visitors you need to make a decent living from your blog.

I’ve been reading quite a lot into this subject and if this is something that you are interested in then you might want to check out these blogs from people that are actually blogging for a living:

The above bloggers are the exception in that they make huge amounts of money from blogging, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a bit of the action.

If you want more info on this subject then here is a great article that further explains ‘How Bloggers Make Money From Blogs‘.

'2 Responses to “How to make money from blogging”'
  1. [...] I mentioned in my last post, I would love to be able to earn a passive income online, but that is a long journey and the [...]

  2. kuliweb says:

    I sometimes wonder how ads actually generate any revenue for websites – surely no-one actually clicks on them? Or perhaps, so few it’s mostly scarcely worth it? I tend not to ever click any advertising links unless I already know just the destination site.