My latest tweet: Bugger. Should've stayed in bed

August 3rd, 2011ReportsAdem 5 Comments

July was a very busy month for me, but unfortunately for my niche sites it wasn’t spent on them! I had a 3 day Stag weekend in Scotland, followed by a 4 day stag weekend in Wales, a wedding, and then finally the whole business of selling my house. Add this to my full-time job and that doesn’t leave much time for my niche sites, but I guess that’s one of the ideas of passive income in that the money still trickles in with minimal day to day effort.

I did a lot of work on my main niche site ‘P’ in May and I’ve been reaping the rewards since. I’ve also dabbled in my second niche site ‘F’ but done very little on it which is a pity as I know it’s got potential but I need to spend some quality time on it.

The Numbers

June Income July Income Difference
Niche Site P £237.74 £340.36 £102.62
Niche Site F £0.79 £8.22 £7.42 £3.03 £3.27 £0.24
TOTAL £241.56 £351.85 £110.29

A massive £110.29 increase in my passive income from June’s AdSense revenue put my monthly income up to £351.85 in July or $576 for those who deal in US dollars. That is massive and it’s great to have that added to my normal monthly income from my day job.

What have I learned this month?

July Income ChartThe main thing I’ve learned that you cannot control your AdSense earnings as there are too many factors that account for your earning. Just because you are getting traffic it doesn’t always mean that visitors will click on your adverts, and the average amount of daily clicks you get will never be constant. The other factor is that the CPC (Cost per Click) can vary greatly and there is nothing you can do about it. Choosing a good niche will help you get high paying advertisers but they will also have a budget and sometimes advertisors just aren’t in the mood to pay too well. I’ve had clicks worth £5 and I’ve had clicks worth 15p, all on the same content but it just depended on who was advertising.

The chart to the right shows how much I currently depend on niche site P and so I definitely need to expand niche site F and hopefully that will be a bigger chunk next month. Of course you can never depend on your passive income but it’s certainly a nice bonus at the end of the month!

'5 Responses to “July 2011 Income Report”'
  1. Adem says:

    I’m happy to say that I’ve fixed the comments on the site so no more errors. Thanks to Aravis for the heads-up on this as I hadn’t noticed.

  2. Nice increase on last month! Diversifying between a couple of sites is a great idea, so hopefully you will see a good jump in income from Niche F this month.

    • Adem says:

      Thanks. Not quite up to your standards yet but getting there ;) I’m writing more content for F as we speak so hopefully that will help with my earnings and then I can focus on some more sites.

  3. mike says:

    nice increase from june.

    i’m really loving my extra passive income during the summer months. i havent put in too much work – busy with vacations and other activities, but the money keeps rolling in.

    good luck in the coming months and with your new site.

    • Adem says:

      I’ve not seen much improvement in my 2nd site but happily the main one is doing well this month. I have started on another site now too and so I can experiement a bit more which is part of the fun of doing all this. Looking forward to my juicy AdSense payment from the July income :)
      Adem´s last post ..July 2011 Income Report