Tag Archives: money

Becoming an AdSense millionaire?

I got my first AdSense payment this month which totalled £62.85, my earnings for having Google Adsense adverts on my site for the past 6 months. It?s not that much really is it? But then again I guess it?s money ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Blog, Money | Tagged adverts, Google Adsense, Monetise, | 5 Comments

Monetising this blog

Over the past few months I?ve been looking at ways in which I can earn money from this website, which in reality is actually a way to offset the money I pay for hosting this and other websites I run. ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Blog, Buying Stuff, Money | Tagged Google Adsense, Monetise, , Tradedoubler | 6 Comments

Feeling the pinch

For all the budgeting in the world things will never go according to plan as so this month I am really feeling the pinch and payday on Friday cannot come fast enough. I suppose I?ve spent money when I shouldn?t ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Money | Tagged credit card, debt, , virgin | 3 Comments

0% Balance Transfer Fee with Virgin

As I?ve mentioned previously, I?ve had to put a few things on my credit card and most of my savings have gone on the house and its renovations. This is debt that I will clear once I?ve finished spending on ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Money | Tagged 0%, balance transfer, creditcard, , virgin | Leave a comment

More work on the house

I was able to get down the house last night and actually put in a bit of work. I have to admit I?ve not done a huge amount on it over the past few weeks due to other committments, but ? Continue reading ?

Posted in DIY, New House | Tagged , , update | 1 Comment

In times of need?

You know that jar or bottle in the corner of the room where you sometimes put your loose change? Well I?ve got one and as it?s a time of financial need I went off to the bank and got £53.04, ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Money | Tagged bank, bottle, coins, , savings | 1 Comment

Packed lunches save money

One sure fire way to spend a lot of money is to eat out and not make your own lunch for work. It certainly eats into the funds as I?ve been spending at least £3 a day on a baguette ? Continue reading ?

Posted in Buying Stuff, Food & Drink, Money | Tagged food, , packed lunch | 3 Comments