December, 2006

December 12th, 2006RandomAdem 1 Comments

Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals, characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, and lower metabolic rate, to conserve energy, especially during winter. Hibernation may last several days or weeks depending on species, ambient temperature, and time of year. Typically, the winter season for the hibernator is characterized by periods [...]

December 11th, 2006RandomAdem 3 Comments

On Wednesday I was down town as I had to drop my car into the garage to get the exhaust fixed and whilst I was their I had a play with my new toy. I have the luxury of living on the coast and so I just wandered down to the harbour and got clicking. [...]

December 11th, 2006RandomAdem 3 Comments

While we?re on late 90s lovey-stylee songs let?s a listen to: I?m not too sure why these songs keep popping into my head as I can clarify that I don?t have a muse inspiring these choices. Do I have to have a reason? No. I do have some good news though? I?m going to be [...]

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