December, 2006

December 10th, 2006RandomAdem 5 Comments

Last night I went to Jonny?s work do, which I had the pleasure of being invited to as he had parted company with his ladyfriend and I was a back-up guest. It was definitely worth breaking them up for! (joke.) The night had a ?Hollywood? theme and so yesterday afternoon we decided to go has [...]

December 8th, 2006RandomAdem 1 Comments

Just heard this on the local radio station and thought it?d be nice to spread some of the love.

December 7th, 2006RandomAdem 2 Comments

Maybe I?ve been treating myself a little too much lately and not watching the £££s like I was a few months ago. Today I was really contemplating buying a Nintendo Wii, after a friend was showing me all the cool clips of it in action. Yes it is very cool, but do I really need [...]

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