December, 2006
You may remember that last Saturday I went to a Christmas meal in fancy dress, but didn?t actually get any photos. Well, a few have surfaced, so here goes. Jonny also told me that he gave a lift to one of his work colleagues who was there for part of the evening, and he asked [...]
BBC News yesterday reported two African trials showing results that circumcision can cut the rate of HIV infection in heterosexual men by 50%. Quite an astonishing fact, so much so that the trials were stopped as it was unethical not to offer circumcision in the men who were acting as controls. There could be several [...]
Over at SwissToni?s Place, ST has been asking us to submit our Earworms of 2006, and it?s really hard to narrow it down to just 5 songs, and the majority of them are quite recent, with it hard to think back through the whole year. Keep thinking!!