August, 2007

The other day, one night when I was staying in, I was flicking through the music channels on freeview and came across a ?100 best? type show which was running through the top singles of the 1980s. I love the 80s and have strong nostalgia to it, but as I was born in 1980 although [...]

August 3rd, 2007Food & DrinkAdem 9 Comments

I?ve been eating a lot of fish lately? Cod, Haddock, Salmon, Red Snapper, Tuna, lots of fish. Couple this in with prawns, which kinda fit in with it all,  and I?m loving it. Anyone got a favourite fish not mentioned that I could perhaps salivate over?

I?ve been trying to set up an internet radio station. cool eh? The emphasis should really be on the ?trying?. Basic scenario is audio>computer>server>computer>listener but I?m having a problem with setting up a streaming server, and with that I?m stuck. There are programmes that use your computer as the server but there are limitations to [...]

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