November, 2008
Following on from yesterday?s post about Jake and Amir on Vimeo I thought I?d give you another sample of some of the stuff on Vimeo. I know it?s not going to blow you away with this type of blogging but at least I?m blogging again even if it is with videos etc. At least I?m [...]
When I?m a little bored and the internet seems to have run out of things to tell me, I sometimes pop along to Vimeo to check out some videos. I would never do this on Youtube as most of the videos on there are rubbish or just rip-offs with very little original content, but Vimeo [...]
In March, Jessica, the family cat died. It was a very sad time as she definitely was one of the family and we?d had her (she?d had us) for around 14 years. Eventually old age took its toll and she had to be put down. That?s all I?m going to say but those of you [...]