September, 2009
I bought an aubergine plant the other day, and I’ve also been harvesting my tomatoes and chillis, so all in all my fruit escapades are going well. Oh, and I’ve also got the grapevines too although they are more of a long term project. Check out the slideshow below and keep an eye out for [...]
I seem to think that I don’t really have a large family and I suppose part of this is that the only person I see regularly is my mother, who lives in Ramsgate too. My father lives between London and Turkey, and my father’s side of the family live aboard. This goes back to my [...]
So it’s September 11th again or 9/11 as it’s most commonly known as since that day 8 years ago. I guess there will always be that ‘where were you when it happened’ question and I know that I was in a University lecture when I found out what had happened and spent the afternoon watching [...]