Bedroom and Dining Room

Filed in DIY , New House 2 comments

I haven?t blogged about the house for a while, so yesterday I took my camera with me and got a few photos which I?ve added to flickr. It?s amazing really how long things can take when I probably expected to be moved in when I bought the house just under four months ago. Four months isn?t actually a very long time when factored into life but it?s by no means a short time, and probably long enough to renovate and decorate a house but anyway I?m still plodding along, but this week I shall be spending a coupe of nights down the house, which I suppose can technically be classed as moving in.

Anyway.. here?s a few pics:

The Master Bedroom

The Master Bedroom

Another angle of the master bedroom

Another angle of the master bedroom

Before and After - Boiler Cupboard

Before and After - Boiler Cupboard in the Dining Room

Dining Room being decorated

Dining Room being decorated

As you can see I?ve now got my bed etc in the bedroom and put up the blinds on Saturday, and over the last week or so I?ve been working on the dining room. That has had to be plastered in some areas, then wallpapered, and then painted so that I can disguise any imperfections on the walls. This takes time, but it is certainly cheaper than getting a professional plasterer in, although maybe in a few years I can save a little and get this done.

I?ve gone for a yellow to brighten the place up as I didn?t want magnolia everywhere, and I think it will look good once I?ve finished. The dining room is where the old immersion heater was located and that was removed when I got the new heating installed, so I?ve been working on converting that into a storage space to keep pots and pans, plates, cutlery, glasses etc, which will give me more space in the kitchen for food storage and preparation.

The aim is to get the dining room finished this week, and then party time will be getting closer!

Posted by Adem   @   20 July 2009 2 comments
Tags : bedroom , decoration , dining room , ,


Jul 21, 2009
1:19 pm
#1 Aravis :

This is really lovely. You?ve accomplished so much!

Feb 16, 2010
1:00 pm

Cove up to the door frame then mitre and return the cove into the wall you need to take care cut the mitre first then cut to length it will be a bit fiddly being so small but it is the correct way to finish the coving. good luck

Infant Baby Bedding

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