ITV is too bloated and needs to change

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It was announced today that ITV are planning to cut jobs and costs after it reported a loss of £2.7bn for 2008. The majority of  this is due to the write-down in the value of it?s assets, and they are also blaming a drop in advertising revenue, but I?m sure ?

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4 March 2009  4 comments

How to degauss a TV

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So my TV has been playing up, and I?ve finally mended it, and so I?m putting up this post in case anyone googles their way here to find a solution.
I turned on my TV the other week and was confronted with the colour distorted into a strange circular/bullseye effect (see ?

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22 August 2007  19 comments

Super Slim Me

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I watched a documenary last night called ?Super Slim Me?, originally shown on BBC3, and now on BBC2, and must say it was very good television. Its maker Dawn Porter wanted to see what it would take for her to slim down from a UK size 12 down to a ?

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9 May 2007  2 comments
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