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'Bird Feeder' Wordpress Plugin

?Bird Feeder? Wordpress Plugin

I?ve just added a new Wordpress plugin called ?Bird Feeder? which should automatically update my twitter feed with the post title and a shortened url. There?s only one way to try this out so consider this a test post.
Update: It works fine. At least now my twitter feed will be updated a little more often [...]

Buying a new mobile phone

Buying a new mobile phone

I?m looking to get a new mobile phone but I really don?t know which one is best and so I?m asking for your reviews and recommendations. I?m on pay-as-you-go, a decision I made here, and it has saved me quite a bit of money over the last 20 months by basically halving my monthly bills, [...]

Random Searches

I have the SlimStat plugin installed on this blog, and it records the ?recent search strings? that people have entered to get to my blog. It?s quite interesting to have a look through and see how people got here and if they actually find what they are looking for.
I still get hits for ?? (blog [...]

Firefox Entensions - Web Developer & Greasemonkey

I use Mozilla Firefox as my browser of choice and it does all I want it to do without crashing for no apparent reason (unlike Internet Explorer), and so is there anything I?d like to change on it? Well I didn?t really think so, but over the last week I?ve installed two add-on extensions which [...]

Chichester Visit + Websites

Chichester Visit + Websites

Blimey, I?ve got quite a lot to go through but haven?t found the time to blog (this seems to always happen this time of year..) but I?d better get started or I?ll forget.
So last week I went down to my old stomping ground at Chichester and had a very nice weekend. I was going down [...]

Reseller Hosting

I?ve actually had a bit more time on my hands as I?ve done a few less evenings at work, and have found that I?ve been enjoying making websites again. It?s something I like doing as can hopefully make a few quid from.
I?ve mentioned previously the limitations I?ve had with hosts, especially as most of the [...]


News came out today that us Brits now send more than one billion text messages a week on our mobile phones. Can you believe that?! That weekly total is the same as the total amount sent throughout the whole of 1999, which is the year I got my first mobile phone.
I passed my driving test [...]

iPod Touch

iPod Touch

Ian went on holiday to Florida a few weeks back and yesterday he got to show us one of the toys he bought?. an iPod Touch. I?ve never been one to be in awe of iPods etc but this this was really cool and I would really love one. He got his 16GB version for [...]

PC, BDOF, R1, + TV

So time for another post by me? what have I been up to then? Well nothing really that notable to be honest but life isn?t too bad so I can?t really complain.
I?ve got the new PC up and running and Vista seems to be coping quite well?for the moment at least. In the ned I [...]

New PC

I mentioned a while back that I?d been looking at getting a new laptop, but with so much choice on the market I wasn?t quite sure where to go and what to buy. I use my current laptop for everything but it?s now quite low-end and I?m getting quite a few problems with it, so [...]