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A vote for Green is a vote against the BNP and UKIP

Following the revelations amongst the major political parties it comes as no surprise that many people are choosing not to use their vote in the local and European elections as ?they?re all as bad as each other?, and to some degree I have the same viewpoint. No matter who is elected nothing really changes and [...]

Tabloid Lies

Tabloid Lies

The newspapers I read are either The Independent or The Guardian. I?m not being a snob, they are just the one?s I read and I feel that they are a lot less biased and hypocritical than a lot of the other newspapers available. Sure, they will have a slant in certain directions but I feel [...]

IPCC fails with Channel 4 injunction

The Independant Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has failed with it?s attempt to block Channel 4 news from showing new footage moments before the death of  Ian Tomlinson.
You can view the video here.
The question is why would the IPCC want to block this video? They say it?s because the footage “would potentially damage” its investigation. How would [...]

St. George's Day

St. George?s Day

If you didn?t already know, today is St. George?s Day, the patron saint of England We don?t seem to get a huge amount to celebrate about in this country and I for one believe that we should make a little more of this day.
I?m not talking about putting on your England football shirt, having a [...]

KCC may get Iceland money back

KCC may get Iceland money back

Kent County Council, who lost £50 million in the collapse of the Iceland banks, received some good news today when it emerged that they should get a large percentage of the money back after administrators indicated there could be an 80% return.
This would be a lucky escape for KCC after continuing to deposit money into [...]

Ian Tomlinson?s Death Not A Heart Attack - New Post Mortem

Surely the death of Ian Tomlinson must now be regarded as murder after a new post mortem has found he died from an abdominal haemorrhage not a heart attack after being pushed to the ground by police during the G20 protests.
The statement from the City of London Coroners Court overturns the initial assessment that [...]

More Police Brutality

Following on from my post last week about the Police?s role in the death of Ian Tomlinson at the G20 protests another video has emerged following more Police brutality at a vigil in honour of Mr Tomlinson. In this instance a woman is struck in the face with the back of the officer?s hand and [...]

G20 Police Brutality

Last week there were G20 protests were held in London and one man, Ian Tomlinson, died during the protests from an apparently unrelated heart attack. The police said that protesters hurled bottles as they tried to help the man, but over the last couple of days the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) started an investigation [...]

Polish Spitfire shoots down BNP

Polish Spitfire shoots down BNP

Paul pointed me towards this article and I decided to post about it as I found it very amsusing.  Basically the BNP has made an anti-immigration poster that features a Spitfire of the RAF No. 303 ?Ko?ciuszko? Polish Fighter Squadron, formed in Britain as part of an agreement between the Polish Government in Exile and [...]

Thanet Council spend without limit - OAP has to find £16,000 to cover it.

Can I please redirect you all over to this article over at The Thanet Star by Matt B which reports on some shocking goings-on by Thanet District Council.