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Archive for birthday

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Weekend in London

I got back today from a weekend in London and have to say say that I had a great time. I?ve been looking forward to the weekend as I haven?t been out in a while having tried to stay in so that I had some money to go out with, and although I?m even more [...]

I?ve been blogging for five years

I am well aware that the blog has gone a little stale, hell, I?m even boring myself here, but as we all know, it?s not just here for amusement and insight but also to keep a record of what?s going on in my life and has documented (mostly) throughout the last five years with only [...]

I am 28

It?s my Birthday today and in the vain hope of some online attention I thought I?d post that fact here although the fact is that today is no different from yesterday or tomorrow. I remember when birthdays were such a special time, a day devoted to solely to yourself, but now there are so many [...]