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Euroferries Update - Ship being repainted?

There?s a wealth of information being posted in the comments of this post, and the latest info from the Euroferries.co.uk website says:

Euroferries high speed cross channel service commences imminently between Port of Ramsgate, Kent and the French Port of Boulogne-Sur-Mer.

Fares, online ticket reservations and further information will appear on www.euroferries.co.uk week commencing 16th March

Reader Steve has also come up with some photos taken on 4th March showing the Bonanza Express out of the water perhaps in order to repaint it from its current Fred.Olsen branding to the proposed Euroferries paint-job.

The Bonanza Express, the proposed ship for the crossing

The Bonanza Express, the proposed ship for the crossing

The Bonanza Express, the proposed ship for the crossing

The Bonanza Express, the proposed ship for the crossing

The pessimism in me is slowly fading away but I won?t hold my breath for them to be taking bookings by tomorrow.

3 Responses to ? Euroferries Update - Ship being repainted? ?

  1. Someone who has the same mindset as me then Adem!! :)

  2. Sorry, writing as a local master employed on the channel like many other thanet seafarers I fail to see the benefit of euroferries starting a service from ramsgate. It will be a Spanish registered vessel employing a non british (spanish)crew operating between a british and french port. The company has made absolutely no commitment to local employment and that if any will be minimal. The vast majority of the money the company earns will go out of the country in the form of crew wages and charter fees to olsen. The downside in these hard times is that they threaten the viability of companies employing british people, any operation that threatens even one british job is not to be welcomed. Also as a master with 20 years experience operating on the dover straits including hovercraft I have very serious concerns about the safety of this operation. This crew will have no experience of operating here, no existing operator would consider letting anybody loose in chargs of the bridge out there without weeks of supervised training no matter what the qualifications yet this bunch think they can just turn up and get on with it. I suppose if they didn?t even consider the fact the boat might not fit the berth it isn?t suprising

  3. Need more info who do I need to contact e-mail or telephone please

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