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La Roux - In For The Kill

La Roux - In For The Kill

Last week I worked a acouple of evenings and it meant that I heard a few different shows other than the normal Chris Moyles/Scott Mills combo I get in a normal working day. I got to listen to Zane Lowe and Annie Mac and this good thing about this is you get to hear a [...]

Completing on new house next Tuesday!

I just got a call from my solicitor and he advised me that he?s exchanged contracts and that I?d be completing on my house next Tuesday 24th March! I only sent off the final set of papers yesterday and as I?ve got no ties I just put ASAP for when I wanted to complete. In [...]

Football Managers Needed

Football Managers Needed

..for an online management game.
For the past two and a half years (see initial post here) I?ve been immersed in an online game called Xpert Eleven and the league I run is looking for new managers. It?s quite a simple set-up and that is the beauty of it in that you can either log on [...]

Euroferries Update - Ship being repainted?

Euroferries Update - Ship being repainted?

There?s a wealth of information being posted in the comments of this post, and the latest info from the Euroferries.co.uk website says:
Euroferries high speed cross channel service commences imminently between Port of Ramsgate, Kent and the French Port of Boulogne-Sur-Mer.
Fares, online ticket reservations and further information will appear on www.euroferries.co.uk week commencing 16th March
Reader Steve [...]

Mystery Gates at Westwood

I hurt my knee and ankle on Sunday by getting my catching my foot in a divot whilst kicking the ball. This meant a lot of pressure was put on my dodgy knee and even dodgier ankles. For the next couple of days I was hobbling around and even had to miss my usual 5-aside [...]

Thanet Loyalty Card

I saw a little snippet of a report on the BBC morning news today about a town in Shropshire that has implemented a loyalty card scheme in order to increase footfall and keep people shopping local and I wondered to myself if something like that would work for our local towns?
I?ve just googled and found [...]

New exercise regime

Looking back, the amount of exercise I do has dropped down drastically over the last six months (and even that wasn?t a lot) and so I?m going to blog about my exercise in a bid to shame me and hopefully force me to at least do something instead of just sitting around and watching TV. 
I?m [...]

Photos from Margate Big Sky Beach Cross Weekend

As promised in yesterday?s post here are my photos from the Margate Big Sky Beach Cross Weekend. I took quite a few and it made a change to be taking photos of something different. I put a slideshow below or you can see the photos on my Flickr page.

Margate Quad Biking Photos Coming Soon

I had a cycle over to Margate today to get a little bit of exercise and to also see some of the quad biking at the Margate Big Sky Beach Cross Weekend.
I also took a lot of photos which I need to go through and upload.. but that will be for tomorrow, so for now here?s [...]

Euroferries Press Release

This is courtesy of Belle in the comments section in one of my previous Euroferries posts:
Euroferries are pleased to announce the commencement of its fast ferry cross channel service on 31st March 2009 with the introduction of its first vessel ‘Bonanza Express’ being operated in partnership with Fred [...]